Levers deployed to reduce our local emissions

At airports, most gaseous emissions and particulates are emitted by aircraft movements (taxiing, take-off and landing).
Permanent monitoring to analyze and reduce our impact
To measure and reduce its impact on air quality, Air France-KLM monitors the atmospheric emissions of both its flight and ground operations, including low altitude emissions which impact the quality of the air around airports. The indicators cover emissions of CO2, SO2 and NOx.
Several levers are deployed by the Group to reduce its local emissions:
✔A recent fleet, which is currently being renewed, with more energyefficient aircraft and/or aircraft which are powered by cleaner fuels;
✔Electric ground vehicles and runway equipment;
✔Optimized operational procedures for the ground operations: reduced taxing time, taxing using just one engine, the use of ground power; units (GPUs) to ensure the functioning of onboard systems, replacing the Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) on kerosenepowered aircraft.
More electrically-powered
In 2022, approximately 63% of the Air France and KLM ramp equipment were electrically-powered. For its part, Transavia was involved with the start-up SAS in trialing the use of thermal ACU converters for the air-conditioning of aircraft on the ground, enabling a saving of 50,000 liters of fuel, i.e. around 100 tons of CO2 emissions.
Tons of CO2
Thanks to the Mobility plan whose first lever is the increased use of remote working. The associated reduction in the number of journeys between home and work
The other initiatives currently underway include:
✔Raising employee awareness of the link between air quality and commuting patterns;
✔Air France and the sixteen other member companies of the Mobility Plan in the Paris region have opted for a carpooling service provider, Karos, offering free, much-higher-quality services to the employees of the member companies;
✔Studies have confirmed the feasibility of cycle tracks at Orly and Roissy. A first deployment should take place at Orly during 2022;
✔The plan to install new charging points for electric vehicles is now under way in response to the new needs;
✔At Air France won the "boldest move challenge" with 100% electric ground transportation and the testing of an autonomous baggage tractor;
✔ At KLM, all baggage services are now electrically driven, including all-electric towing tractors, platform wagons and ramp equipment transporting baggage. In 2022, KLM Ground Services introduced a proactive program to reduce the use of diesel Ground Power Units (GPU) following modifications to electric Fixed Power Units (e-FPU) at Schiphol Airport.