-50% less non-recycled waste by 2030 than in 2011

Within a highly-restrictive regulatory context, Air France-KLM strives
to minimize its waste production and
increase the proportion that is recycled or reprocessed.
reducing non recycled waste by 2030 relative to the 2011 baseline
Air France had already eliminated of its single use plastic items (SUP) i.e. 1,424 tons
of the aircraft A340 can be recovered, reused or recycled
Act in a context of restricted regulations
In 2022, about 85% of our waste results from in-flight catering and cabin cleaning. The remaining 30% results from our own production in, for example, our Cargo and Maintenance businesses, with only a small percentage coming from our office-based activities.

Change our processes
Key principles
To achieve its target, Air France-KLM applies the principles of the circular economy: rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle. To seek solutions and eliminate barriers to the management of in-flight catering and aeronautical waste, which are both subject to strict international regulations, we actively cooperate with the Authorities and our supply chain.
The Group reduced its non-recycled waste by 54% in 2022 compared to the 2011 baseline. This result shows that our target to reduce 50% of non-recycled waste by 2030 has been reached.
Principles of the circular economy applied on board our aircraft
Although most of our waste from in-flight catering is subject to strict regulation and may not be reused, recycling is an integral part of our sustainability strategy.

Improve the way we manage our waste over the entire life cycle
Air France, KLM and Transavia deploy continuous improvement programs for the management of in-flight waste. Over the years, many items have been redesigned or replaced by more sustainable alternatives. Examples include the redesign of all the elements of food trays to use fewer materials and the introduction of lighter-weight trolleys.
The Group makes it a point of honour that its airlines rigorously sort waste on board their aircraft. This concerns plastic bottles, juice cartons and cans for all short, medium and long-haul flights to Paris.
On all the European flights, glass, cans, aluminium lids, paper, EPS boxes, PET plastic bottles and other forms of plastic are also sorted and recycled.

Combatting food waste, reduce waste
Two main levers enable a reduction in food waste: the adjustment of the catering embarked on flights and a strict policy of merchandise inventory management.
Data and customer experience to refine our services
- Based on statistics and historic flight load factors, and passenger habits, the number of meals actually embarked is regularly re-evaluated. This re-evaluation both prevents waste arising and reduces production and transportation costs. However, owing to the unpredictable load factors resulting from the Covid-19 public health crisis, these measures have been temporarily suspended. New measures have been established and will be implemented as soon as there is a return to a higher volume of flight operations.
- The pre-selection of hot meals in the Business cabin saw a widespread roll out during 2022. This process has made it possible to avoid 5.3 tons of waste per year. While eliminating any form of food waste is paramount, some food waste is to be expected and therefore actions are taken to handle this properly. As such, in 2022, KLM Catering Services (KCS), which is responsible for handling all inflight catering waste, expanded its bio-treatment of organic waste to include coffee grounds from all European flights.
- To combat food insecurity and limit waste, Air France donates food and non-food items to charities. In 2022, approximately one million food and other materials were donated.
Eliminating single use plastic
Whether for reasons of hygiene and food safety, or to reduce the weight embarked, the in-flight service uses a substantial quantity of single-use plastic products. The Air France-KLM Group is committed to reducing this source of pollution through two main levers: eliminating single use plastic wherever possible; replacing these plastics with other materials when more sustainable alternatives are available.

Concretely, this being reflected in the different tangible results within its airlines:
✔In 2022, Air France eliminated or replaced with alternative materials 765 tons of single-use plastic used by passengers on board, i.e. nearly 80%. Among the plastic items still in use, 85% are recyclable and 37% contain recycled plastic.
✔At Transavia, these results amount to seven million single use plastic items no longer being distributed every year on the scheduled flights, i.e. 41 tons of plastics.
Principles of the circular economy applied to our ground activities
The Group is developing actions to give a second life to waste like, for example, the recycling of used uniforms which are transformed into carpeting on board KLM aircraft, or the upcycling of blankets used on board into goodies for our customers.

handing aeronautical waste
From engine parts to aircraft seats, cargo pallets and broken suitcases: waste is produced by our engineering & maintenance, cargo and flight operations. Although most aeronautical waste is also subject to strict regulation, we have implemented many initiatives to reduce non-recycled production waste.
Cradle-to-Cradle and controlled end of cycle
Air France-KLM applies a strict policy concerning the end of life of its aircraft, prioritizing organizations that dismantle/deconstruct aircraft with reference to the environmental standards in force.
Aircraft that are at the end of their service with the Air France – KLM Group and are not returned to their lessors, maintain a high value. These aircraft are sold to another airline or to a company specialized in tear-down services for the recycling and reuse of spare parts. We can also use the components from old aircraft to replace parts in the Group’s current operational fleet.
Since 2013, the Group airlines work with companies with best-in-class environmental standards such as Tarmac Aerosave, a company we work with to dismantle aircraft. Tarmac Aerosave, which uses the principles of the circular economy for each aircraft component.
Tarmac recycles approximately 90% of the aircraft materials, an additional 8% are fluids such as oils which are reused to produce energy, leaving 2% as disposal.
This is the case, for example, for the company Tarmac Aerosave, which uses the principles of the circular economy for each aircraft component:
✔Re used: rehabilitation to avoid new production;
✔Re manufacturing: reprocessing of the materials to manufacture new components without the need for raw materials;
✔Up-graded: refurbishment and improvement of some components like cabin seats.
During the dismantling of an A340-type aircraft, for example, it is estimated that more 80% the aircraft can be recovered, reused or recycled.
Total waste weight in metrics tons
Paper fiber
Metal (aluminium, steel or rare metals)
Total recycled
Wood Paper fiber
Metal (aluminium, steel or rare metals)
Plastic focus