Evaluating the materiality of our actions
Every two years, the Group carries out materiality analyses with corporate clients, national and international individual customers, employees of the Group, shareholders, investors, suppliers, NGOs, governmental organizations, MPs, CSR experts (extra-financial rating agencies, certification agencies, etc.), enabling the priorities key to the Group’s activity to be re-evaluated and the results compared with those from previous materiality analyses. This materiality analysis reveals that the issues considered most important for the Group in 2022 are mainly related to customer Satisfaction, Fleet development, CO2 Emissions, Financial Performance and Safety and security and innovation. For each of the key priorities, the respondents ranked the level of priority to be accorded by Air France-KLM and their perception of the Group’s current level of performance.
In line with the Global Reporting Initiative reference framework, we update our materiality matrix to confirm the priorities that are the most material for the Group.

Furthermore, financial and operational performance remains a key priority for our stakeholders and our Group. The detailed results highlight that we agree on the perception of the priority nature of these issues and this is why the Air France-KLM Group places sustainability at the heart of its industrial strategy.