Working together with stakeholders
to achieve a more responsible aviation

Maintaining a dialogue with our stakeholders
The Group uses a number of measures to identify the expectations and perception of our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, associations, local authorities and players in civil society like NGOs of its action on sustainability.
✔Customer perception and satisfaction surveys;
✔Dialogue with stakeholders;
✔Dialogue and evaluation of supplier CSR performance;
✔Exchange of best practices and working groups with industry players at other large companies;
✔Discussions with shareholders and SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) investors, recommendations of extra-financial rating agencies;
✔Feedback channels are in place to enable stakeholders (particularly employees, customers and local residents around airports) to communicate any comments and complaints;
✔Internal barometers and meetings to gather employee suggestions;
✔Dialogue with the authorities and national policy makers;
✔Opinions and remarks gleaned from dedicated email addresses, websites and the social media.